Confined Space Cleaning
Cleaning of empty tank with fully Confined Space trained personnel (including spotter), safe work method statements and rescue equipment supplied. Attendance to maintenance items can be quoted and undertaken at the same time the tank is empty.
General service includes:
- Tank cleaning with low pressure spray and soft brooms;
- Confined space ticketed personnel with rescue equipment, rescue plans and spotter;
- Pre and post cleaning photos;
- Compilation of above into an ROV photo report.
- Suitable for both Potable and Fire tanks
Note: The tank is to be drained by others prior to site attendance unless prior arrangement has been made with The Tank Inspectors for pump out.
Fire service providers only:
Service complies with AS1851-2012 requirements for tank cleaning as per Table 5.4.4 of Section 5. Completion of AS1851-2012 compliant logbook (supplied if not already on site).
Tank cleaning required by:
- Fire service providers every 1st and 10 years as a minimum
- Facilities or building managers
- Asset maintenance firms